Dr. Morissanda Kouyaté
Dr. Morissanda Kouyaté is a Public Health Doctor, Pediatrician, Specialist in Reproductive Health, Specialist in Health Services Management and "Communications for Behavioral Change.", Health Service Management Trainer, Expert in the fight against female genital mutilation, child marriage and other traditional practices affecting the health of women and children
He is the Executive Director of the Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children (IAC), an African and international nongovernmental organization, affiliated to the United Nations and the African Union and trainer for the African Union. He carries out coordination, animation, and supervision of the activities of the Inter-African Committee; he is also responsible for the collaboration, coordination, and animation of the partnership between the Inter-African Committee and the United Nations, the African Union and other multilateral and unilateral partners and civil society.
Dr. Morrissande defended his Doctorate thesis in Medicine on postoperative complications of inguinal hernias in 1977 and he was the principal researcher of the National Survey on Female Genital Mutilation in Guinea (1997).
He was responsible for Care, Coordination, Animation, Supervision and Evaluation of Health Activities in the Conakry 3 Territory, Establishment of the program of the fight against harmful traditional practices including female genital mutilation and child marriage in Guinea and Africa
He has been a Speaker on the Advocacy Program to the European Parliament for the Vote on the Resolution on Female Genital Mutilation and also a General Rapporteur of the first National Health Conference in Guinea.
Decorated by the Ministry of Health of Egypt (1987), Decorated (Honoris causa) at the University of Lomalinda, California (1994), United States Peace Corps High Certificate of Appreciation (1998), World Bank Award for Excellence (winner of the Development Marketplace, 2000), Award of High Distinction by the Inter-African Committee (2000), President of the Fourth International Conference on Female Genital Mutilation (Dakar, 1997), Initiator of the program of deposit of the knives of the excision by excisers and Guinean women (Kouroussa, Kérouané, Conakry, Mamou, Labé, Dalaba, Pita, Kissidougou, N'Zérékoré) and African (Niger, Mali, Togo, Benin, Ethiopia), Speaker on the Advocacy Program to the European Parliament for the Vote on the Resolution on Female Genital Mutilation, (2001) Participant and keynote speaker at the International Conference on Female Genital Mutilation (Berne, Switzerland, 2001), Rapporteur of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW, United Nations, New York March 2004), Initiator of the International Day Tolerance Zero to Female Genital Mutilation
He is the Designer and co-author of the implementation of the Resolution of United Nations General Assembly Prohibiting Female Genital Mutilation Worldwide (Resolution 67/146, Decorated by the Association of Guinean Women in the United States of America, NEBEYI Award from the Mothers and Children's Association of Guinea in France (AMEG), Special Prize of the 11th Night of Excellence of the Guinean woman, High Distinction from the Government of Angola, 2015, Prize '' Succeed Diaspora Guinea '' 2017, Lifetime Award, New York 2018 Break Silence, Solidarity Awards / Vital Voices and now AFRIFAMUACAA is proud to celebrate this HONORABLE gentleman of African excellence who has excelled so well in his healthcare career especially as a champion for women and children in both rural and urban areas.