Chaste Inegbedion (Nigeria)
Chaste Inegbedion is a committed SDGs Advocate focusing on Gender Equality, Good Education, Sustainable Employment & Economic Advancement. He is deeply passionate about sustainable cities & communities with a partnership for Global Goals. He is an advocate for Female Empowerment & Gender Equality. ‘Save Pwashikai Nideono’ was one of his most successful projects to create a buzz and raise Medical funds for a Genitally Mutilated 5-Year-Old girl to stay alive. Today, Pwashikai has been reconciled into society.
He Co-hosted Giving Tuesday, #Africa4Her and #HeforShe as a member of the YALI Network, Africa Youth Commission, Youth Action NET, UNMGCY, and AWAS.
He is a US State Department-sponsored Scholar for the GIST Women’s’ Workshop, Mandela Washington Fellowship Semi-Finalist and Africa America Institute sponsored Scholar for a Social Sector Management program at the Pan Atlantic University.
He has experience in Performance Management and Project Actualization for Entertainment Celebrities, Media Executives, Business Managers, Publishers and Civil Societies Representatives. He spearheaded #S6startUP – a platform for unearthing entrepreneurial stories by using twitter as a tool for change. Currently, #S6startUP has created 26 million impressions, 60 editions, 106 entrepreneurs and 600,000 twitter feed.
Our organization presented at the 2015 Global Child Forum in South Africa and 66th United Nations DPI NGO Conference, on Education for Global Citizenship in South Korea.” In 2018, our organization participated at the Brains and Branter at the London School of Economics, World Merit Council Summit in Morocco, 62nd Commission on the Status of Women, International Women Day Celebration at the UN, Misk Youth Forum, Wiki gaps hosted by the Swedish Embassy, Impact Africa Summit hosted by British Council and Ashoka, Wikimania 2018 hosted by Wikipedia. His organization also has a team of volunteers with a combined experience of three decades with experience in product development, content management, sales and web development with a technology background.